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體型圓滾滾、臉蛋可愛的天竺鼠在台灣是很受歡迎的寵物。但由於飼養方面的資訊翻譯成中文出版的不多,所以台灣飼主習慣的一些觀念不一定全部都是正確的。台 灣飼主目前普遍欠缺的一個很重要的觀念,就是飼養天竺鼠的數量,很多人都以為天竺鼠養一隻或養兩隻以上都可以。其實這是不對的。究竟是為什麼呢?
首先,飼養一隻跟飼養兩隻需要的最小空間是一樣的。天竺鼠需要能隨心所欲運動才不會肥胖,即使只養一隻天竺鼠,也需要至少0.7平方空尺的空間才足以跑圈圈運動。 養兩隻的話會一起跑,所以同樣的0.7平方公尺還是足夠的,之後每加養一隻飼養空間就要配合擴大。
很多人認為第一次養的新手,應該先養一隻熟悉一下。但是天竺鼠是群居動物,只有跟同類相處才能展現有趣的互動的行為跟叫聲,若是只飼養一隻的話,只會看到 鬱鬱不樂的鼠鼠成天窩著不動,根本稱不上是熟悉天竺鼠的方式。 養兩隻時,飼主也是同樣的清理籠子跟固定餵食動作,並沒有比較繁複。
結論: 養兩隻不會比養一隻麻煩。
至於疑慮養多隻會打架的問題,其實只要介紹兩隻天竺鼠認識的方式正確,即使是兩隻公鼠,成功率也是很高的。除非是要公母合養,兩隻公鼠合養其實是不需要結 紮,所以不必擔心新手得花大筆錢在結紮鼠鼠身上。另外,天竺鼠身為群居動物,因此有階級觀念。不管是養兩隻母鼠或兩隻公鼠,強勢的老大都會不時會對弱勢的 同伴做出追趕或輕啄的動作,這是正常的互動,請勿誤會為打架。但如果是嚴重互打跟有受傷的跡象,則表示這兩隻天竺鼠無法相處,必須馬上永久分開。
另外,若是只飼養一隻的情況,縱使飼主花費許多時間在關注天竺鼠身上,仍然比不上另外一隻同類所能帶給牠的快樂。我常在國外送養廣告看到主人因為生活忙碌 無法陪伴照顧鼠寶而選擇送養,記得有一則是本來養一對,一隻去世以後剩下的那隻天竺鼠因為思念同伴而非常憂鬱,主人又沒有足夠時間陪伴牠,所以決定送養, 希望為牠找到更適合的新主人。現代人要上班上學,在家陪伴寵物的時間的確有限,所以天竺鼠養兩隻的話自己出門也可以更安心,不用牽掛鼠寶整天孤零零在家。
天竺鼠的一大特色(也算是缺點?)就是不安或憂鬱時也不動聲色,從外表看起來好端端的, 只有當科學家去測量牠們的心跳跟壓力荷爾蒙才會發現偏高。所以不要因為家裡寶貝看起來很安寧就以為天竺鼠隨便養也可以養得好喔!群居動物的天性是遇到危險 時能依賴同伴一起抵禦,單獨飼養的天竺鼠身為容易緊張的動物,被新環境或噪音氣味等驚嚇到時, 缺少同伴提供安心感,壓力也就無法消除。
科學家實驗過將單獨一隻天竺鼠放到陌生環境,測量發現心跳跟壓力荷爾蒙馬上爆高, 30分鐘後才平復。將一群天竺鼠放到陌生環境,則是3分鐘後就恢復正常心跳,可見同伴對天竺鼠的重要性。
倘若因為養不起兩隻而硬是獨養一隻,對天竺鼠原有的習性是很殘忍的事情。既然選擇要飼養天竺鼠,就必須要考慮天竺鼠原有的習性去配合牠們,而不是讓無辜的 天竺鼠來配合飼主的需求。如果衡量自己的能力之後怎樣都無法配合天竺鼠的需求,可是又很喜歡可愛的鼠類,建議改選其他需求較少的寵物鼠來養。

英文天竺鼠飼養網站中Cavy Spirit這篇關於天竺鼠的社交習性說明相當詳細:
"Guinea pigs have a strong need for social contact with other guinea pigs. Social isolation is a serious disturbance for them. In our institution it is a rule to group-house the animals, unless an experiment specifically requires single-caging, for example when the subject has to be tethered. " ----- Sonja Banjanin, Departmentof Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
"In summary, social-housing is the most species-appropriate living environment for guinea pigs. If a research protocol requires single-caging, guinea pigs should always be able to maintain visual, auditory and olfactory contact with other guinea pigs to buffer the stress of social deprivation." ----- Viktor Reinhardt, Animal Welfare Institute, Washington,USA
以上兩段引用自Environmental enrichment for guinea pigs: A Discussion by the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum, Published in Animal Technology and Welfare 3(3), 161-163 (2004).
Guinea-pigs need the social environment to guarantee their behavioral health, safeguard their physiological well-being (Sachser and Lick, 1991; Fenske,1992), and assist them to cope with circumstances of confinement(Canadian Council on Animal Care, 1993).
Compatible group-housing should, therefore, be the standard arrangement for them in the research laboratory (cf., Brain et al., 1994; European Council,2000a; Figure 2)
Guinea pigs require considerable socialisation to acquire the skills necessary to build up stable social structures. If rearing conditions are inadequate this creates conditions of social instability and extreme endocrine changes occur. -----Sachser N, Lick C 1991. Social experience, behavior and stressin guinea pigs. Physiology and Behavior 50, 83-90
Isolation also affects the adrenal glands, and it can cause excessive eating and drinking in rhesus monkeys, decreased leukocyte counts in mice, decrease in circulating lymphocytes and alterations in response to drugs and poisons in rats. ---- Fox MW 1986. Laboratory Animal Husbandry: Ethology, Welfare and Experimental Variables. State University of New York Press, Albany, NY
Isolation can also cause increased blood pressure and hypertension in rats ---- Claassen V 1994. Neglected Factors in Pharmacology and Neuroscience Research. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands
以上兩段雖然針對老鼠, 但因為是跟天竺鼠同樣囓齒類的群居性動物, 所以被孤立時產生的心理壓力對健康的影響是共通的.
"In female guinea pigs social support can be provided by social partners. In contrast to males, however, not only the bonding partner is able to reduce the female's stress responses, but also a familiar conspecific, though in a less effective way." ---- Kaiser S, Kirtzeck M, Hornschuh G, Sachser N 2003. Sex specific difference in social support - a study in female guinea pigs. Physiology and Behavior 79, 297-303
All rodents are distressed when they are kept alone, perhaps not to the same degree as dogs or monkeys, but they are distressed nonetheless. To this very day, I feel for every rat, mouse and guinea pig who had to live in our facility without contact with another companion. ---- p.6, 2007, Making Lives Easier for Animals in Research Labs, Published by the Animal Wel fare Institute, Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum
體型圓滾滾、臉蛋可愛的天竺鼠在台灣是很受歡迎的寵物。但由於飼養方面的資訊翻譯成中文出版的不多,所以台灣飼主習慣的一些觀念不一定全部都是正確的。台 灣飼主目前普遍欠缺的一個很重要的觀念,就是飼養天竺鼠的數量,很多人都以為天竺鼠養一隻或養兩隻以上都可以。其實這是不對的。究竟是為什麼呢?

首先,飼養一隻跟飼養兩隻需要的最小空間是一樣的。天竺鼠需要能隨心所欲運動才不會肥胖,即使只養一隻天竺鼠,也需要至少0.7平方空尺的空間才足以跑圈圈運動。 養兩隻的話會一起跑,所以同樣的0.7平方公尺還是足夠的,之後每加養一隻飼養空間就要配合擴大。

很多人認為第一次養的新手,應該先養一隻熟悉一下。但是天竺鼠是群居動物,只有跟同類相處才能展現有趣的互動的行為跟叫聲,若是只飼養一隻的話,只會看到 鬱鬱不樂的鼠鼠成天窩著不動,根本稱不上是熟悉天竺鼠的方式。 養兩隻時,飼主也是同樣的清理籠子跟固定餵食動作,並沒有比較繁複。
結論: 養兩隻不會比養一隻麻煩。

至於疑慮養多隻會打架的問題,其實只要介紹兩隻天竺鼠認識的方式正確,即使是兩隻公鼠,成功率也是很高的。除非是要公母合養,兩隻公鼠合養其實是不需要結 紮,所以不必擔心新手得花大筆錢在結紮鼠鼠身上。另外,天竺鼠身為群居動物,因此有階級觀念。不管是養兩隻母鼠或兩隻公鼠,強勢的老大都會不時會對弱勢的 同伴做出追趕或輕啄的動作,這是正常的互動,請勿誤會為打架。但如果是嚴重互打跟有受傷的跡象,則表示這兩隻天竺鼠無法相處,必須馬上永久分開。

另外,若是只飼養一隻的情況,縱使飼主花費許多時間在關注天竺鼠身上,仍然比不上另外一隻同類所能帶給牠的快樂。我常在國外送養廣告看到主人因為生活忙碌 無法陪伴照顧鼠寶而選擇送養,記得有一則是本來養一對,一隻去世以後剩下的那隻天竺鼠因為思念同伴而非常憂鬱,主人又沒有足夠時間陪伴牠,所以決定送養, 希望為牠找到更適合的新主人。現代人要上班上學,在家陪伴寵物的時間的確有限,所以天竺鼠養兩隻的話自己出門也可以更安心,不用牽掛鼠寶整天孤零零在家。

天竺鼠的一大特色(也算是缺點?)就是不安或憂鬱時也不動聲色,從外表看起來好端端的, 只有當科學家去測量牠們的心跳跟壓力荷爾蒙才會發現偏高。所以不要因為家裡寶貝看起來很安寧就以為天竺鼠隨便養也可以養得好喔!群居動物的天性是遇到危險 時能依賴同伴一起抵禦,單獨飼養的天竺鼠身為容易緊張的動物,被新環境或噪音氣味等驚嚇到時, 缺少同伴提供安心感,壓力也就無法消除。
科學家實驗過將單獨一隻天竺鼠放到陌生環境,測量發現心跳跟壓力荷爾蒙馬上爆高, 30分鐘後才平復。將一群天竺鼠放到陌生環境,則是3分鐘後就恢復正常心跳,可見同伴對天竺鼠的重要性。

倘若因為養不起兩隻而硬是獨養一隻,對天竺鼠原有的習性是很殘忍的事情。既然選擇要飼養天竺鼠,就必須要考慮天竺鼠原有的習性去配合牠們,而不是讓無辜的 天竺鼠來配合飼主的需求。如果衡量自己的能力之後怎樣都無法配合天竺鼠的需求,可是又很喜歡可愛的鼠類,建議改選其他需求較少的寵物鼠來養。

英文天竺鼠飼養網站中Cavy Spirit這篇關於天竺鼠的社交習性說明相當詳細:
"Guinea pigs have a strong need for social contact with other guinea pigs. Social isolation is a serious disturbance for them. In our institution it is a rule to group-house the animals, unless an experiment specifically requires single-caging, for example when the subject has to be tethered. " ----- Sonja Banjanin, Departmentof Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
"In summary, social-housing is the most species-appropriate living environment for guinea pigs. If a research protocol requires single-caging, guinea pigs should always be able to maintain visual, auditory and olfactory contact with other guinea pigs to buffer the stress of social deprivation." ----- Viktor Reinhardt, Animal Welfare Institute, Washington,USA
以上兩段引用自Environmental enrichment for guinea pigs: A Discussion by the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum, Published in Animal Technology and Welfare 3(3), 161-163 (2004).
Guinea-pigs need the social environment to guarantee their behavioral health, safeguard their physiological well-being (Sachser and Lick, 1991; Fenske,1992), and assist them to cope with circumstances of confinement(Canadian Council on Animal Care, 1993).
Compatible group-housing should, therefore, be the standard arrangement for them in the research laboratory (cf., Brain et al., 1994; European Council,2000a; Figure 2)
Guinea pigs require considerable socialisation to acquire the skills necessary to build up stable social structures. If rearing conditions are inadequate this creates conditions of social instability and extreme endocrine changes occur. -----Sachser N, Lick C 1991. Social experience, behavior and stressin guinea pigs. Physiology and Behavior 50, 83-90
Isolation also affects the adrenal glands, and it can cause excessive eating and drinking in rhesus monkeys, decreased leukocyte counts in mice, decrease in circulating lymphocytes and alterations in response to drugs and poisons in rats. ---- Fox MW 1986. Laboratory Animal Husbandry: Ethology, Welfare and Experimental Variables. State University of New York Press, Albany, NY
Isolation can also cause increased blood pressure and hypertension in rats ---- Claassen V 1994. Neglected Factors in Pharmacology and Neuroscience Research. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands
以上兩段雖然針對老鼠, 但因為是跟天竺鼠同樣囓齒類的群居性動物, 所以被孤立時產生的心理壓力對健康的影響是共通的.
"In female guinea pigs social support can be provided by social partners. In contrast to males, however, not only the bonding partner is able to reduce the female's stress responses, but also a familiar conspecific, though in a less effective way." ---- Kaiser S, Kirtzeck M, Hornschuh G, Sachser N 2003. Sex specific difference in social support - a study in female guinea pigs. Physiology and Behavior 79, 297-303
All rodents are distressed when they are kept alone, perhaps not to the same degree as dogs or monkeys, but they are distressed nonetheless. To this very day, I feel for every rat, mouse and guinea pig who had to live in our facility without contact with another companion. ---- p.6, 2007, Making Lives Easier for Animals in Research Labs, Published by the Animal Wel fare Institute, Discussions by the Laboratory Animal Refinement & Enrichment Forum