我今天帶了Unforgettable和Good Morning, Heartache兩首爵士經典歌曲上Jazz vocal workshop, 可是表現得哩哩落落, 上完課就溜到練習室, 殺出Edirol R-09錄音器, 開始錄音檢討唱法(真是本末倒置, 課都上完了才在研究怎麼唱Orz). 傍晚6點進練習室的, 等錄到甘心看手機才發現8點了, 錄音真是吃時間的怪獸哇! 結果錄的Unforgettable還滿完整, 而且移花接木把上課中老師彈的前奏抓來接上XD 歌曲本身的鋼琴和絃則是我自己很努力的敲出來的Orz
Unforgettable這首歌原唱是Nat King Cole, 後來他女兒Natalie跨越時空錄成對唱版, 我之前沒注意, 前天找著上課用的歌才發現它, 我覺得好動聽喔! 我今天錄的上傳到相簿了, 有興趣的朋友請到這裡聽.
Unforgettable, that's what you are,
Unforgettable though near or far.
Like a song of love that clings to me,
How the thought of you does things to me,
Never before has someone been more
Unforgettable in every way,
And forever more, that's how you'll stay.
That's why, darling, it's incredible,
That someone so unforgettable,
Thinks that I am unforgettable too.
上個禮拜上課唱的則是百老匯老歌Love me or leave me, 我唱非古典類歌曲都會聲帶癢癢想要給它嘶吼下去的傾向, 所以被老師教訓了Orz 她說情歌唱這麼大聲會把男人嚇跑............錄音中還有突然忘詞的烏龍反應XD 有興趣的朋友請到這裡聽.
Love me or leave me and let me be lonely,
You won't believe me but I love you only,
I'd rather be lonley than happy with somebody else.
You might find the night time the right time for kissing,
Night time is my time for just reminiscing,
Regretting instead of forgetting with somebody else.
There'll be no one unless that someone is you,
I intended to be independently blue.
I want your love, don't wanna borrow,
Have it today to give back tomorrow,
Your love is my love,
There's no love for nobody else.
- Mar 26 Wed 2008 15:08
[錄音篇] Unforgettable