往年每次學期末, 我們都會在學校演出一場合唱音樂會, 每次都是傍晚, 觀眾總是很少, 學校音樂廳的音響效果也很"乾". 這次總算不一樣了! 合唱指揮老師Galvan教授決定把音樂學院的學生跟他在Bronx帶領的一羣合唱團合在一起舉行音樂會, 使用樂器有數位鋼琴, 豎琴和雙簧管. 地點是Bronx的聖保羅教堂, 從我家搭地鐵要一個小時才會到, 上禮拜男友一聽到我晚上要去那邊排練, 就緊張地說那區治安不好, 不准去!(紐約好像不少地區風評不好, 像Upper Westside哈林區那一帶他也不准我一個人去ˊˋ) 我當然不能以排練地點治安不好的理由要求老師讓我缺席吧
, 結果男友只好兩個晚上都護送我去. 今天正式演出時間是下午, 回程我會跟同學一起搭地鐵, 男友就偷懶沒來了

從中國城到Bronx要搭地鐵6號車, 有趣的是我搭了兩次都看到吉他手風琴雙人組的地鐵樂手, 溜進車廂表演賺小錢. 問題是第二次看到時, 明明是同一台手風琴, 卻完全不同人O_O

教堂內部滿漂亮的, 最重要的是音響效果很不錯!


我發現老師買了Zoom H4數位錄音器! 外接麥克風, 他說錄音品質超好. 不過跟我的Edirol R-09一比, 還是R-09嬌小輕便, 哼哼!

合唱團員都必須穿一致的服裝, 男生是黑西裝加蝴蝶結, 女生上衣長裙都要全黑, 比較奇怪的是還被要求戴珍珠項鍊?! 還好媽媽有送我兩條細珠型的.

合唱音樂最難以對付的問題就是樂句尾的子音, 雖然Galvan老師很努力細心地指示何時發尾音, 合唱團員還是很難同時發出子音切斷, 就變成一連串ttttttt或ssssss, 我回家聽錄音, 好幾首都這樣, 很煩呢!
下面分享3首今天的演出錄音, 6月3號星期天下午3點我們還會在Queens Museum演出一場, 是免費的, 有興趣的朋友歡迎捧場!
第一首是美國作曲兼指揮家Z. Randall Stroope的作品Passage:
For we have loved the stars too closely
To be afraid of the night.
We've followed the sun too long
To live only in its shadows,
Serena's winds are blowing,
Drop the sail and stead the whell,
The harbor's safe, but not freedom,
Homeward is the sea.
The language of the sea is music,
The soul of time and space,
Speaking thundering silence by day,
Singing quiet hymns by night.
Serena's winds are blowing,
Drop the sail and stead the whell,
The harbor's safe, but not freedom,
Homeward is the sea.
Captain, my Captain!
Rise up and hear the bells,
Rise up, for you the flag is flung.
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths.
Hear, my captain, Hear O father!
The sea is but an art unknown,
An infinite horizon,
Ulysses' pathless kingdom.
All mortals' final passage;
O Captain! Home is the sea!
Wake and Rise up!
Come home to the sea.
For we have loved the stars too closely
To be afraid of the night.
We've followed the sun too long
To live only in its shadows,
And with our heart
We've set a course
No compass can alter,
Come home to the sea.
第二首是Galvan老師譜的曲, 歌詞取自聖徒Assisi的Francis的禱文.
Make me an instrument of peace,
Where there is injury
Let me bring pardon,
Where there is doubt,
Let me bring truth.
Where there's despair,
Let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness,
Let me bring light!
Where there is sadness, sadness,
Let me bring you joy!
Grant that I may never seek to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love.
For it's in giving that we receive
And in pardoning that we are pardoned.
(這段令我很感動, 意思是求上天讓他安慰別人的機會多於自己尋求安慰; 能主動去了解他人,而非一心只想要別人了解自己; 愛別人甚於自己渴求被愛, 因為我們在付出的同時其實才是真正的收穫, 原諒別人其實是原諒自己.)
And in dying,
We are born to eternal life!
最後是法國作曲家Faure的安魂曲中我最喜歡的第6曲Libera Me(拯救我)

從中國城到Bronx要搭地鐵6號車, 有趣的是我搭了兩次都看到吉他手風琴雙人組的地鐵樂手, 溜進車廂表演賺小錢. 問題是第二次看到時, 明明是同一台手風琴, 卻完全不同人O_O

教堂內部滿漂亮的, 最重要的是音響效果很不錯!


我發現老師買了Zoom H4數位錄音器! 外接麥克風, 他說錄音品質超好. 不過跟我的Edirol R-09一比, 還是R-09嬌小輕便, 哼哼!

合唱團員都必須穿一致的服裝, 男生是黑西裝加蝴蝶結, 女生上衣長裙都要全黑, 比較奇怪的是還被要求戴珍珠項鍊?! 還好媽媽有送我兩條細珠型的.

合唱音樂最難以對付的問題就是樂句尾的子音, 雖然Galvan老師很努力細心地指示何時發尾音, 合唱團員還是很難同時發出子音切斷, 就變成一連串ttttttt或ssssss, 我回家聽錄音, 好幾首都這樣, 很煩呢!
下面分享3首今天的演出錄音, 6月3號星期天下午3點我們還會在Queens Museum演出一場, 是免費的, 有興趣的朋友歡迎捧場!
第一首是美國作曲兼指揮家Z. Randall Stroope的作品Passage:
For we have loved the stars too closely
To be afraid of the night.
We've followed the sun too long
To live only in its shadows,
Serena's winds are blowing,
Drop the sail and stead the whell,
The harbor's safe, but not freedom,
Homeward is the sea.
The language of the sea is music,
The soul of time and space,
Speaking thundering silence by day,
Singing quiet hymns by night.
Serena's winds are blowing,
Drop the sail and stead the whell,
The harbor's safe, but not freedom,
Homeward is the sea.
Captain, my Captain!
Rise up and hear the bells,
Rise up, for you the flag is flung.
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths.
Hear, my captain, Hear O father!
The sea is but an art unknown,
An infinite horizon,
Ulysses' pathless kingdom.
All mortals' final passage;
O Captain! Home is the sea!
Wake and Rise up!
Come home to the sea.
For we have loved the stars too closely
To be afraid of the night.
We've followed the sun too long
To live only in its shadows,
And with our heart
We've set a course
No compass can alter,
Come home to the sea.
第二首是Galvan老師譜的曲, 歌詞取自聖徒Assisi的Francis的禱文.
Make me an instrument of peace,
Where there is injury
Let me bring pardon,
Where there is doubt,
Let me bring truth.
Where there's despair,
Let me bring hope,
Where there is darkness,
Let me bring light!
Where there is sadness, sadness,
Let me bring you joy!
Grant that I may never seek to be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love.
For it's in giving that we receive
And in pardoning that we are pardoned.
(這段令我很感動, 意思是求上天讓他安慰別人的機會多於自己尋求安慰; 能主動去了解他人,而非一心只想要別人了解自己; 愛別人甚於自己渴求被愛, 因為我們在付出的同時其實才是真正的收穫, 原諒別人其實是原諒自己.)
And in dying,
We are born to eternal life!
最後是法國作曲家Faure的安魂曲中我最喜歡的第6曲Libera Me(拯救我)
Libera me Domine, de morte aeterna, in die illa tremenda quando coeli movendi sunt et terra, dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem Tremens factus sum ego, et timeo dum discussio venerit, atque ventura ira. Dies illa, dies irae, calamitatis et miseriae, dies magna et amara valde. Requiem aeternam, dona eis, et lux perpetua luceat eis. |
Deliver me, O Lord, from eternal death, on that fearful day when the heavens are moved and the earth when thou shalt come to judge the world through fire. I am made to tremble, and I fear, when the desolation shall come, and also the coming wrath. That day, the day of wrath, calamity, and misery, that terrible and exceedingly bitter day. Rest eternal grant them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them. |